Non Toxic Printmaking Courses
Kerikeri Bay of Islands New Zealand
Non Toxic Printmaking courses teaching a variety of printmaking techniques are offered throughout the year at Wharepuke Print Studio (except during May, June, July and August) . Class sizes are kept small to allow for inclusive, intimate sessions from which all can benefit.
Printmaking courses are offered for beginners, intermediary and advanced students so there is something to suit all levels of experience. Specialist courses in particular techniques are also held as are occasional workshops by outside printmaking professionals.
Materials are included in the price of the course and extra materials can be purchased from the studio.
Course structure
I don’t have a calendar of workshops as such but arrange courses when people approach me, either individually or as a group – that way times and dates can be organised to suit. When someone commits to certain dates and fees I then, with their permission, open the course up to others who’ve shown an interest.
Courses are run in acrylic resist etching with either copper or aluminium and can be tailored for all levels of experience.

A one to one workshop is $390.00 NZ per day. For groups costs are adjusted according to numbers. For two people it is $195.00 per person day for 3 or more it’s $120.00 NZ per person per day. Course fee includes all materials
At present courses can be arranged between September and April so not during the winter months.
We are planning to offer other course at Wharepuke such as Drawing in the Gardens and Drawing to Print. Drawing can also be incorporated into your own Art Holiday or short course structured to suit your group.
The best way to be kept informed about up-coming workshops is to join our Art at Wharepuke mailing list.
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Artist Holiday Courses
Printmaking courses and Artists holidays are offered at Wharepuke Print Studio. In consultation with the print studio small groups can design their own artists holiday courses to fit their holiday plans whether it’s an intense course in non-toxic printmaking or a more leisurely approach to fit in with a holiday break in The Bay of Islands.
Drawing in the gardens and developing drawings into prints can also be arranged as part of the course.
Accommodation in our on- site subtropical self contained cottages is available.
Acrylic Resist Etching Workshops
Wharepuke Print Studio offers weekend workshops covering two different non toxic etching techniques using copper and aluminium
Copper Etching
Two days $240.00 per person inc GST, min 3 – max 6
Copper is traditionally the metal of choice for etching, it lends itself to fine line work and cross hatching and gives a very accurate, precise print.
The workshop is suitable for all levels of experience and will cover basic line etching on copper using acrylic resists and Edinburgh Etch. There are no toxic fumes created with this technique and no solvents are used. The workshop will cover plate preparation, applying acrylic resist hard ground, etching and printing using Akua water based inks.
Further techniques such as soft ground, wash grounds and colour may be introduced on day two depending on progress.
Materials included: copper plate, (extra plates are available to purchase from the studio) paper, inks, resists, sundries
You will need to bring: lunch (free tea and coffee is provided at the studio and we have a café/restaurant on site).
Drawing book(s) pencils etc, ideas for etchings – best to think in linear rather than tonal terms for this technique.
Aluminium Etching
Two days $240.00 per person inc GST, min – max 6
Aluminium gives a totally different result than copper; it is suited to a more painterly, gestural type of mark making.
The workshop is suitable to all levels of experience and will cover plate preparation, applying acrylic resists and etching in copper sulphate/salt solution, printing with Akua waterbased inks, lift ground using Kremelta and multi plate two colour printing. No toxic fumes are produced and no solvents are used in the process.
Lift ground allows you to paint an image onto the plate using melted vegetable fat and then etch that image into the metal. As aluminium etches with an open texture wide painterly lines can be achieved.
Materials included: aluminium plates, paper, inks, resists, sundries.
You will need to bring: lunch (free tea and coffee is provided at the studio and we now have an excellent café/restaurant on site).
Drawing book(s) pencils etc, ideas for etchings – painterly, gestural marks can be combined with line and tonal areas. Compositions using two colours will be created.
Combinations of the above techniques are also possible
Wharepuke Print Studio/Art at Wharepuke Print Collection
We have a collection of prints made by participants in the workshops and would like to include an example from all those who attend. If you wish to donate a print made during the workshop it will become part of the permanent collection of the Wharepuke Print Studio. We will exhibit works from the collection at regular intervals at the Art at Wharepuke gallery space and use the collection for exchange shows with other studios around the world.
Past exchange exhibitions have been held with Zea Mays Print Studio, Massachusetts and Print Arts Northwest, Portland, Oregon, USA, the UK Printmakers Council and Seacourt Print Workshop, Northern Ireland. Studios send representative works to us for exhibition and we send works to them. We also hope to produce catalogues of the work produced in the studio in the future. Donated works will also feature on the web site of the studio and gallery.
Booking for courses is essential as numbers are limited
Please contact Mark Graver for further information or to discuss workshop options